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Jurnal Ilmiah Inovasi
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Pemanfaatan Jerami Kedelai pada Pakan Induk Sapi Silangan Simmental-Peranakan Ongole Batseba M.W. Tiro; Petrus A. Beding
Jurnal Ilmiah Inovasi Vol 18 No 1 (2018): April
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/jii.v18i1.848


The onset of first postpartum estrous is an indicator in the beef cattle reproduction efficiency. Soybean straw is a local feed ingredients that contain phytoestrogen compounds. The present experiment was conducted to determine the effect of the use of soybean straw as a source of phytoestrogen to accelerate the onset of the first postpartum estrous of Simmental – Ongole crossbred cows. This research applies by completely randomized design (CRD) consisted three treatments and each treatment is repeated five times. Treatment consist of : P0: control (standar feed), P1: control + 5 g of phytoestrogen (1.8 kg of soybean straw), and P2: control + 10 of g phytoestrogen (3.6 kg of soybean straw). The result showed that the use of soybean straw as a source of phytoestrogen increase consumption CP (P<0,05), whereas DM and TDN comsumption increased only slighthy (P>0,05). Supplementation of soybean straw as a source phytoestrogen are also likely to accelerate the first postpartum estrous.  
Neraca Massa, Komposisi Kimia dan Nilai Ekonomis PengolahanAgroindustri Glukomanan M Fatoni Kurnianto; Budi Hariono; Sri Hartati
Jurnal Ilmiah Inovasi Vol 18 No 1 (2018): April
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/jii.v18i1.920


Uber Gadung (Dioscorea Hispida dennst) is a tuber plant that can produce glucomannan. Chemically, glucomannan is a non-ionic hydrochloric polysaccharide compound, having a high molecular weight of 9.0x105gmol-1atau2.7x105-1.1x106Dalton. The current problem is not done to the mass balance calculation at the end of the product being the processing base at the agroindustry level. The study consists of 3 main stages, including: (i) sampling; (ii) Product fractionation and drying; (iii) Economic extraction and calculation. The results showed that the calculation of the mass balance of treatment difference in mesh size gives the result that the larger the size (smaller particle size), resulting in less glucomannan. The fraction of glucomannan flour which passes 40-60 mesh sieve produces the highest glucomannan content compared to other particle size. The particle size treatment has significant effect on glucomannan, starch, crude fiber, water, density of kamba, viscosity, pH, and weight percentage. The highest yield is found in 40-60 mesh flour mung, while the highest starch and crude fiber content is in the size <100mesh. The highest added value is obtained from the processing into glucomannan with the value of Rp 650.000 / 100kg, as well as the profit of 86.67 percent. While the value of the lowest profits on the processing of gadung tuber into a dry chip. Keywords : Uber Gadung, glucomannan, dry chip
Pemberian Pakan Bentuk Cramble dan Mash TerhadapProduksi Ayam Petelor Achmad Marzuki; Bahrur Rozi
Jurnal Ilmiah Inovasi Vol 18 No 1 (2018): April
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/jii.v18i1.849


The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of feeding the form of crumble and mash on the production of laying hens from the pre layer phase. This research was conducted from November 11, 2015 to January 11, 2016, in laying chicken coop owned by Mr. Mahmud Kerajan Village Sumber Danti Village Sukowono District Jember District. The materials used in the study of laying pre layers (age 20 weeks) strains of Isa Brown, maize, concentrate, bran. Data analysis used was t test between (P1) chicken feed in the form of mash and (P2) chicken feed in with crumble form.The results showed that the feeding of Crumble form showed no significant difference to feed consumption ratio and feed egg ratio, and significantly different to HDP (Hen Day Production) laying hens. so it can be concluded that feeding of Crumble form can be given to increase egg production, giving advantage of difference of egg number during maintenance (age 20-28 weeks) that is 1213 grains
Mampu Bentuk Briket Variasi Bahan Briket Dengan Komposisi Perekat Serta Waktu Pencelupan Minyak Jelantah Mohammad Nurhilal
Jurnal Ilmiah Inovasi Vol 18 No 1 (2018): April
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/jii.v18i1.850


AbstractIndonesia is given  with abundant natural wealth which is capable of being transformed into source of energy. However, the utilization of these natural resources can not yet be optimized. An alternative solution to make fuel is briquette fuel. The general purpose of this research is to make briquettes of rice husk and garlic skin. While the specific purpose of this research is to know the result of briquette variation of adhesive material and briquette material with adhesive as well as time of reused oil dipping. The method of this research is experiment approach. The results showed that starch glue can be used as briquettes of rice husk and garlic skin; mixed variations of 60%, 70% and 80% starch glue blends were able to form briquettes; variations of pulp mixture 20%, 30% and 40% and without mixing the pulp can form briquettes; and the variation of briquette dyeing time of 1, 3, and 5 minutes had no effect on briquette solidity. Keywords: Briquette, rice husk charcoal, garlic skin charcoal, adhesive, solidity.
Pemberian Sludge Palm Oil (SPO) dan Penggunaan Metode Tanam Hazton, Sri dan Konvensional terhadap Produksi dan Hasil Padi Emilia Farida Handayani
Jurnal Ilmiah Inovasi Vol 18 No 1 (2018): April
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/jii.v18i1.494


Alokasi kegiatan pengembangan tanaman pangan tahun 2016  Provinsi Kalimantan  Barat  selain mengembangkan padi Hazton sebanyak 44.500 hektar juga kegiatan padi organik seluas 160 hektar. Metode tanam  Hazton merupakan metode yang baru diterapkan dan belum semua petani mengaplikasi  metode tanam tersebut. Pertanian organik sulit dilaksanakan karena petani mengalami kesulitan dalam pengadaan bahan organik.  Sludge palm oil yang merupakan limbah pabrik minyak kelapa sawit banyak terdapat di Kalimantan Barat dapat dijadikan pupuk organik. Tujuan penelitian  adalah untuk mengetahui pemberian sludge palm oil dan beberapa metode tanam terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman  padi. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan kelompok  faktorial terdiri dari dua faktor yaitu pemberian sludge palm oil terdiri atas 5 taraf yaitu 0,10,20,30 dan 40 ton.ha-1 dan dan metode tanam yang terdiri atas 3 taraf yaitu Hazton, SRI dan konvensional. Jumlah total perlakuan adalah 15 kombinasi pelakuan, tiap perlakuan diulang lima kali sehingga diperoleh 75 satuan percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian sludge palm oil dan metode tanam memberikan interaksi yang nyata  untuk variabel pengamatan tinggi tanaman, berat kering gabah kering dan berat 1000 biji. Sedangkan jumlah anakan, jumlah malai dan berat basah berangkasan batang berpengaruh nyata tetapi tidak terdapat interaksi.
Analisis Pendapatan Usaha Ayam Broiler pada Pola dan Skala Yang Berbeda di Peternakan Rakyat Kabupaten Lumajang Gilang Nursandhi; Hariadi Subagja; Ujang Suryadi
Jurnal Ilmiah Inovasi Vol 18 No 1 (2018): April
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/jii.v18i1.875


This research aims to analyze the difference in the level of revenues savor independent patterns and patterns of partnership at different scales, analyze business patterns and scale venture capable of producing the most income levels are high, analyze the relationship between the pattern and scale of effort against the income level, as well as to analyze the influence of factors of production costs against revenue level savor in Lumajang. Research conducted from 1 July until 31 September 2017 using data at one time production period. Sampling determined deliberately by grouping the respondents based on a combination of the pattern of independent business and partnerships, as well as household business scale, small, and medium. The population that used as many as 60 breeders consisting of 10 samples in each group of a combination of patterns and business scale. Data analysis is an analysis of income and multiple linear regression analysis. Bound variables in this study are the level of revenues savor (Y), with free variables that comprise the cost of day-old chick (X1), feed (X2), vaccines, medications, vitamins, and disinfectants (X3), laborer (X4), preparation cost of enclosure and fuel (X5), electricity (X6), depreciation cost of enclosure and equipment (X7), and the pattern of effort selected breeders (D) to run his business. The results of the analysis showed that the level of income breeders partnership is higher than a standalone pattern breeder (3.169 rupiahs > 2.801 rupiahs), whereas small-scale dairy farmers income levels greater than large-scale ranchers and scale house appliances (3.926 rupiahs > 2.564 rupiahs > 2.466 rupiahs). Combinations of patterns of partnership with small-scale yielding the highest income levels compared to the pattern and scale of other businesses. Multiple linear regression analysis results on F test shows that that simultaneously throughout the free variables (X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, and D) effect significantly to the variable (Y). Results on t-test showed that partially variables X1, X2, X3, X4, X7 and influential significantly to variable Y, whereas the variable X5, X6, and D do not affect significantly to the variable Y.Keywords : Income level, Business pattern, and Business scale.
Pengaruh Interval Waktu Pemberian Pupuk Organik Cair Berbahan Baku Keong Mas Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Hijauan Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott Silvester Muga Sada; Bernadete Barek Koten; Bernadus Ndoen; Agustinus Paga; Paskalis Toe; Redempta Wea; Ariyanto Ariyanto
Jurnal Ilmiah Inovasi Vol 18 No 1 (2018): April
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/jii.v18i1.846


The research with aim to assessing the effect of giving  time interval of organic liquid fertilizer made golden snail aplle on growth and forage production Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott, has been held for 3 months at the Kupang State Agricultural Polytechnic gardens forage at Oesao. The study was designed by Randomized Block Design, with 5 treatments and 5 block, which consists of the P0: without organic liquid fertilizer, P5: every 5 days, P7: every 7 days, P9: every 9 days , P11: every 11 days. The variables are number of shoots (number/ week), high gain (cm/ week), production of fresh weight (tons/ ha), dry matter production of forage (tons/ ha). Analysis of variance showed that the interval timing of organic liquid fertilizer made of snails  no significant  effect (P>0.05) to number of shoots, high gain,   fresh weight production of forage, and  dry matter production of forage. The average of number of shoots are 10.11/ week (P0: 10.46; P5: 11.35; P7: 10.41; P9: 9.39; P11: 8.94), the increase plant height 20.90 cm/ week (P0: 21.06; P5: 22.01; P7: 21.20; P9: 20.61; P11: 19.60), 53.32 tonnes / ha the fresh production of forage (P0: 53.62; P5: 57.71; P7: 49.39; P9: 55.18; P11: 50.71), 7.73 tonnes/ ha of dry matter of forage (P0: 7.72; P5: 8.80; P7: 7.17; P9: 7.68; P11: 7.26).  It was concluded that the growth and forage production of Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott is not be effected of  effect of time interval of liquid organic fertilizer made from raw of golden snail.
Perbaikan Kualitas dan Dekontaminasi Mikroba Kedelai Edamame Dengan Teknik Ozonated Water Abi Bakri; Wahyu Suryaningsih; Budi Hariono; Sri Hartatik
Jurnal Ilmiah Inovasi Vol 18 No 1 (2018): April
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/jii.v18i1.919


Quality, contamination of microorganisms and pesticide residues is a major requirement in edamame export trade. Ozonated water technique is expected to replace the use of chlorine in suppressing microorganism contamination and maintaining quality. Research objectives: a) To determine the effect of various conditions of ozone concentration on quality and contamination of microorganisms on edamame soybeans, b) Comparing the effectiveness of Ozonated Water technique with chlorination, and c) Obtain optimal Ozonated Water method in maintaining quality and eliminating contaminants of microorganisms. The research method used CFRD with 2 Factors ie Factor A of ozone concentration (0, 3, 6 and 9 ppm) and Factor B is Chlorine concentration (0, 100 and 175 ppm) repeated 3 times. The statistical analysis used the Analysis of Variance with the F test and the further difference statistical test of a) the organoleptic quality with Hedonic test includes color, aroma, sweet taste and Hedonic Quality Test for Foreign Odor b) microbiological examination (Total Plate Count). The results are: a) Ozone and chlorine treatment can reduce the total content of edamame microorganisms compared to control, and ozone treatment is more effective in reducing total microbial than chlorine; b) Ozone or Chlorine treatment has no effect on hedonic color and sweetness value in edamame; and c) Ozone treatment may decrease the value of edamame aroma compared with chlorine control and treatment, although in fact Ozone treatment does not contribute to foreign odors or chemical odors to edamame. The conclusion of Ozonated water technique can significantly decrease microorganisms  contamination and maintain the color quality, sweet taste and donate foreign odors in edamame. Keywords— Ozonated Water, Chlorine , Edamame, Microorganisme

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